News about roll forming machines,
roll forming technology and our company

To further extend our strong position as a market leader in roll forming machines and technology, we are always closely linked with the latest advancements and progress and will be more than happy to inform you of the latest developments in the industry as well as about us.


Great Designs in Steel is the premier event where automotive engineering, design, technology and academic leaders provide valuable insight on the latest trends and material applications on new cars and trucks.


From April15th to 19th 2024, the tube and tube processing industry will meet at the world's most important trade fair for this industry, the TUBE - and DREISTERN will be there again!


On September 8th and 9th, Dreistern Inc. (represented by Thomas Krückels, Alex Skypala and Thomas Hoey) attended Welser Profile North America's Open House and Family Day.


Presentation by Dr. Tilman Traub at one of the oldest specialist conferences on materials for automotive construction.


SAVE THE DATE 16th Blechexpo - the international trade fair for sheet metal processing


Lightweight potential in car body using roll forming for ultra-high-strength alloys
Christoph Grüllich, Dr.  Tilman Traub, Dreistern GmbH & Co. KG, Germany

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