Practical roll forming with the professionals
Each new roll forming machine contains 70 years of experience
Our experience from over 70 years of roll forming technology and over 2000 delivered roll forming systems is incorporated in every new roll forming machine, giving you practical roll forming systems that are perfectly tailored to your production requirements.
Constant high production quality
The robust design of our roll forming machines, in conjunction with precise components, ensures you benefit from constant high production quality, even under harsh production conditions. You can also be sure that this won’t change even after many years of heavy labour. Our roll forming machines regularly distinguish themselves in benchmark tests through superior availability and consistently high precision.
In spite of the highly developed technology, our roll forming machines are easy to operate. This prevents operator error and saves you costs arising from possible down time or increased scrap. To minimise downtime during product changeover, our range of setup systems is second to none within the industry. Dependent on the changeover frequency and profile type, we will provide you with just the right changeover concept.
Roll forming machines for professionals, clearly presented
Form your own impressions of the precision and reliability of our roll forming machines: The video clearly shows some of the advantages of our roll forming systems and processes.
Contact our industry experts
Each sector has its own special requirements, which is why your company too will have its own special questions about roll forming machines and processes: Our roll forming experts in the production area have all the answers you need!