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Environmental protection is put into practice on a daily basis

Perfect dovetailing of environmental and economic aspects

Environmental protection has always been and remains an important aspect of our daily work and, based on long-standing tradition, is incorporated in our innovations: the result is roll forming processes and machines with above-average environmental protection standards. We take our responsibility for our employees just as seriously; there are clear and binding safety guidelines for all working processes.


In all our roll forming processes, our aim is always to avoid emissions as far as possible. For example, we ensure compliance with the 31st Federal Immission Control Ordinance by using solvent-free degreasing in the paint shop. Taking into consideration the requirements of ECO-SAFE, all the vehicles in our vehicle fleet our EURO 5 or higher.

Energy Efficiency

Proof of our environmentally friendly energy use is provided by a whole series of examples.

  • Use of modern heating systems results in an energy saving of 30 percent and a reduction in NOx and CO2 emissions of some 86 percent.
  • Our new assembly hall exceeds all current requirements of the Heat Insulation Ordinance.
  • All our offices function without air conditioning.
  • We achieve a continuous improvement in energy efficiency through structural measures such as insulating windows, high-speed roller doors to prevent heat loss and insulation of all heating pipes.
  • Heat recovered from our compressed air system is used as a heat source for hot water generation.
  • We undertake regular checks on gas, electricity and water consumption to prevent above average consumption.


A commitment to environmental protection is a duty for every employee.

  • Our regulations for environmental protection are governed by works agreements, work instructions and by the DREISTERN Health and Safety and Environmental Protection Manual (ASUS).
  • The adherence to these rules is checked as part of internal audits.
  • A professional, external consultancy service ensures the high level of our environmental management.
  • Environmental protection is part of our training plan.
  • We have nominated a responsible waste inspector.


In all our roll forming processes, our aim is always to use raw materials and energy sparingly. Therefore, with a view to protecting our environment, there are clear guidelines such as:

  • consistent use of recyclable materials during construction of our machines to ensure a maximum possible recycling rate.
  • Use of energy-efficient drive technology with feedback of the braking energy into the mains network
  • Upgrading of old systems to improve energy efficiency
  • Constant development of technologies for reduction of waste and scrap rates
  • Design of all machines and systems to ensure above average service life.

Your advantages

It is not only the environment but you too who benefits from our perfect dovetailing of environmental and economic aspects. The efficient roll forming processes mean that you will achieve your ROI even faster.

Get in touch with your personal contact now

Wiechser Straße 9
79650 Schopfheim